Our Philosophy
- The Bible is the foundation for all that we do, and we must put it into practice by trusting God.
- We must endeavor to keep focused on spiritual and eternal values. We do this by remembering whom we serve and why.
- We must help build one another. We must help each other grow in teamwork, abilities, and relationship skills.
- Loving people is best evidenced by remembering that “service is our privilege” and then practicing it.
- We must communicate a true desire to serve others first
- We must use what God has given us today, with a pioneer spirit if necessary, while pressing toward an ever-improving excellence in all that we do.
- We must use the unique aspects of the situation in which God has placed us to the fullest extent. This includes viewing our location, our staff team, and our constituency as gifts from God.
- Our ministry team extends well beyond our location; therefore, we must establish and maintain a resource network.
- We aim to eliminate distractions (those things that distract our guests from really hearing the Word of God).
- We must never quit; there is no substitute for sticking to the mission!